Save 30% on All Plumbing Services when you Sign Up for Preventative Maintenance

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Why Should I invest in Expert Plumbing Service’s Preventative Maintenance Plan?

Routine preventative maintenance is one of the most cost-effective ways to protect your families equipment, clean water, and comfort. Our professionally trained plumbers keep an eye on your equipment, plumbing, and fixtures. In fact, our state-of-the-art computer system allows us to track our work history on your plumbing systems; warranties, repairs, and maintenance with dated digital images of the condition of your equipment. Once we develop a history with your plumbing systems, we often know the issue before we arrive at your house. If that rare unexpected breakdown does occur, as a plan member we will repair it the same-day at a 30% discount, with no overtime charges. Finally, we understand your needs evolve as your family evolves, and we can help suggest additions and updates as your needs change.

sink fixture installation

Our Plan Includes:

  • 30% Savings on Repairs
  • Priority Service & Same Day Replacement on Parts**
  • 2 year Warranty on Service (Parts & Labor)*
  • No Overtime Charges
  • Earn $50/Year Toward Equipment Replacement
  • Hot Water Heater Draining & Maintenance
  • Onsite Home Water Test for Hardness, Iron, Chlorine, PH and Total Dissolved Solids*
  • Entire Home Plumbing Inspection, Including Sump
  • Pump, and Battery Backup
  • Peace of Mind
  • Refer a Friend, Earn an Additional $50 Toward Hot Water Heater Replacement*

*Call our office for details.

**Excludes Special Order Parts not On Our Service Trucks

Proudly Serving the South & West Suburbs of Chicago

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